Courses Description
Commercial Law
- Category: 2nd Semester
- Edited by : Associate Professor Vasileios Tzemos
Duration: 3 hours per week - 13 weeks [ECTS: 4]
Course Outline
The course aims at familiarizing students with fundamental components of the institutional framework of the market. The merchant and commercial corporations, the rules of competition, industrial ownership and the law protecting consumers are the main domains under examination – broadly speaking – of the course.
1. The merchant and commercial transactions – consequences and significance of commercial properties and marketability transactions
2. Commercial enterprises
i. Personal (Unlimited Partnership, Limited Partnership). Composition, Function, Instruments, Liability, Economic Significance.
ii. Capital (Joint Stock Company, Limited Liability Company). Composition, Function, Instruments, Liability, Economic Significance.
3. Rules of competition. Unfair competition.
4. The protection of free competition
i. Control of centralization
ii. Defalcation of a prominent position
5. Commercial Papers. Kinds of Commercial Papers.
6. Legal elements of Commercial Papers. The cheque.
7. Industrial Ownership: The trademark. Its nature, function, acquisition, protection. The patent (invention).
8. Other forms of industrial property: Industrial plans and models, practical models of usefulness
9. Consumer protection: Elements of legal protection of a consumer:
i. The general terms of transactions
ii. The responsibility of producers
iii. Contract from a distance
iv. Contracts conducted away from a commercial enterprise
v. Advertising