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  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • 24210 74771
  • 24210 74776
  • 28hs Octovriou 78, Volos, P.C. 38333

The Department offers three majors:

  • Institutions and Economic Development
  • Banking & Financial Technologies
  • Business Economics

In the fourth year students must successfully complete ten courses, four of which are compulsory, plus at least two elective courses from his/her major. The remaining four courses are to be chosen from the other major, or from another Department of the University of Thessaly.
During their last semester, the students must write a dissertation on a subject chosen from either of the three majors. The dissertation is equivalent to one course. If a student chooses not to write a dissertation, he/she may choose one additional course, which should belong to one of the majors from the final year's programme. The programme envisages a bimonthly practice in a public or private firm.


Foreign languages

The Department requires good knowledge of the English Language. Students who are not holding (at least) a FIRST CERTIFICATE (or a Lower degree) in English, are required to take English as a foreign language. Students who provide an original copy of their English FIRST CERTIFICATE (or Lower degree) have the possibility to choose one out of the other three foreign languages taught at the University (French, Italian, German). The selection of the foreign language course is to be made with an application at the Secretariat of the department during the very first week of the first semester or during enrolment day.
Foreign languages are taught at four different levels, during the first four semesters. Attendance to these courses is compulsory and progress (on a pass/fail basis) at each level is monitored in the students' file. 
Students have the option to change their foreign language selection during the first week of their third semester. The eventual selection of a second foreign language is taken into account toward obtaining the final degree.

Administrative Structure
