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Περιγραφή Μαθημάτων

Όλα τα βιβλία: 427

Iatridis, G. and Euangelopoulos, P. (2012) How Does the Selection of Hedging Instruments Affect Company Financial Measures? Evidence from UK Listed Firms, International Journal of Economics and Finance, 4 (5), pp.51-55.

Iatridis, G. and Perissios, P. (2012) Means of Financing and Company Financial Attributes, International Research Journal of Applied Finance, III (8), pp. 1207-1217.

Iatridis, G., Sougiannis, T. & Travlos, N. (2013), Guest Editors of Special Section: “Risk Management and Reporting in Light of the Recent Financial Crisis”, International Review of Financial Analysis, 30, pp. 241-420.

Iatridis, G., Stagiannis, A., Kollias, C. & Mastronikolos, A. (2011) An Empirical Examination of the Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Sectoral Stock Returns: A Cross Stock Market Study, Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, 24 (1), pp. 1-23.

Kapitsinis N., Metaxas T. & Duquenne M. (2013) Exploring the coherence and the meaning of territorial competition: Do national states behave in the same way as firms in case of default? The cases of Greece and Dubai, Applied Econometrics and International

Kaskarelis I. (2005). Capitalism, Representative Democracy and the Protection of t the Environment.

Kaskarelis, I. & Tsilika, K. (2009) Early retirement for mothers in Greece, International Journal of Social Economics, 36(5): 566-579.

Kaskarelis, I. (2005) If Humanity were only willing to protect Environment How would be The Day after?, Journal of Social and Economic Development, 7(2): 200-217.

Kaskarelis, I. (2008) The Determinants of Investment in Greek Manufacturing: A Reply, Applied Economics Letters, 15(8): 617, 2008.

Kaskarelis, I. (2009) Free Market Economy, Representative Democracy, Cultural Globalization and the Protection of the Environment, International Journal of the Environment and Sustainable Development, 8(2): 132-150.

Kaskarelis, I. (2009) On State Pensions and Social Security Systems, Foresight - The Journal of Future Studies, Strategic Thinking and Policy, 11(1): 5-8.

Kaskarelis, I. (2009) The Moneyless Free Time, International Journal of Social Economics, 36(12): 1153-1166.

Kaskarelis, I. (2010) The Principal-Agent Problem in Economics and in Politics”, Humanomics- International Journal of Systems and Ethics, 26(4): 259-263.

Kaskarelis, I. (2011) Facts, Illusions, Motives and Economic Policy Perspectives in Education and Academic Research, International Journal of Economic Issues, 4(2): 209-218.

Kaskarelis, I. (2013) Environmental Protection Impossibilities, Humanomics -International Journal of Systems and Ethics, 29(3): 220-231.

Kaskarelis, I.A. (2007) Capitalism, Democracy and Natural Environment, Humanomics, 23 (4), pp.221–29.

Kaskarelis, I.A. (2007) Economic Science: What It Is and What the Scientists Do Not Tell Us, International Journal of Social Economics, 34 (11–12), pp.914–22 (Highly Commended Award Winner at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2008, Emerald Group

Katsanikas, M., Patsis, P.A. & Zachilas, L. (2009) The Structure of the Phase Space in Galactic Potentials of Three Degree of Freedom, Proceedings of Chaos in Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science, G. Contopoulos & P.A. Patsis (eds.) Springer Verlag,

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Kollias, C. & Paleologou, S. (2010) Growth, investment and military expenditure in the European Union–15, Journal of Economic Studies, 37(2): 228-240.

Kollias, C. & Paleologou, S. (2011) Budgetary trade-offs between defence, education and social spending in Greece, Applied Economics Letters, 18(11): 1071-1075.

Kollias, C. & Paleologou, S. (2011) Modelling the demand for internal security expenditure in Greece, International Journal of Economic Issues, 4(2).

Kollias, C. & Paleologou, S. (2012) Labour market conditions and crime in Greece, International Journal of Social Economics, 39(12): 983-999.

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