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Ερευνητικές Εργασίες

Όλα τα βιβλία: 427

Arvanitidis, P. & Petrakos, G. (2008) Metropolitan development and cooperation in Southeastern Europe. Région et Développement, 27, pp. 133-159.

Arvanitidis, P. & Skouras,† D. (2008) Urban green and housing values: exploring the links using empirical evidence from the UK, in Smaniotto-Costa C., Mathey J., Edlich B. and Hoyer J. (eds.) Urban Green Spaces, a Key for Sustainable Cities: Conference Re

Arvanitidis, P. (2005) “Evaluating the urban infrastructure of Sofia, Skopje, Tirana and Thessaloniki: technical, social and productive aspects” στο Petrakos, G. (ed.) Regional Integration and Metropolitan Development in Southeastern Europe, Bolos: Univer

Arvanitidis, P. (2005) “Institutional arrangements, local government and development prospects in Sofia, Skopje, Tirana and Thessaloniki” στο Petrakos, G. (ed.) Regional Integration and Metropolitan Development in Southeastern Europe, Bolos: University of

Arvanitidis, P. (2005) “Land use change and planning policies in Sofia, Skopje, Tirana and Thessaloniki” στο Petrakos, G. (ed.) Regional Integration and Metropolitan Development in Southeastern Europe, Bolos: University of Thessaly Press, pp. 361-382.

Arvanitidis, P. (2008) Perceptions and attitudes on urban green spaces: an economist’s view, in Smaniotto-Costa C., Mathey J., Edlich B. and Hoyer J. (eds.) Urban Green Spaces, a Key for Sustainable Cities: Conference Reader, Dresden: Leibniz Institute of

Arvanitidis, P. (2013) “Critical Realism: the philosophical underlabourer of heterodox economics”, Bulletin of Political Economy, 7(2), pp. 199-221.

Arvanitidis, P. (2014) The Economics of Urban Property Markets: An Institutional Economics Approach, Routledge (ISBN: 9780415426824 - in print).

Arvanitidis, P. and Kollias, C. (2014) Zipf’s Law and the Distribution of Military Spending in the World.

Arvanitidis, P. et al. (2008) Greenkeys at Your City, a Guide of Urban Green Quality, Dresden: Leibniz Institute of Ecological and Regional Development (ISBN: 9783933053320).

Arvanitidis, P., Lalenis, K., Petrakos, G. & Psycharis, I. (2009) Economic aspects of urban green space: a survey of perceptions and attitudes, International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 11 (1/2/3): 143–168.

Arvanitidis, P., Nasioka, F. & Dimogianni, S. (2014) “Water Resource Management in Larisa: a Tragedy of the Commons?” in Filho W.L. and Sumer V. (eds) Handbook of Sustainable Water Use and Management, Routledge

Bellou, V. & Andronikidis, A. (2008) The impact of internal service quality on customer service behaviour: Evidence from the banking sector, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 25 (9), pp.943–954.

Bellou, V. & Andronikidis, A. (2009) Examining organizational climate in Greek hotels from a service quality perspective, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 21 (3): 294–307.

Bellou, V. & Gkousgkounis, G. (2014) Spouse and service related antecedents of officers’ commitment: The case of the Greek Army. Armed Forces and Society, (forthcoming).

Bellou, V. & Thanopoulos, J. (2006) Enhancing service quality in a hospital setting, Review of Business, 27 (1), pp.26–32.

Bellou, V. & Thanopoulos, J. (2006) Seeking competitiveness: Evidence from the banking sector in a developing country, The Journal of Current Research in Global Business, 9 (14), pp.59–67.

Bellou, V. (2007 Achieving long term customer satisfaction through organisational culture: evidence from the health care sector, Managing Service Quality, 17 (5), pp.512–522.

Bellou, V. (2007) Identifying employees’ perceptions on organizational obligations: A comparison between the Greek public and private sector, International Journal of Public Sector Management, 20 (7), pp.608–621.

Bellou, V. (2007) Past working experience foretells future employment relationship quality, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behaviour, 10 (1), pp.35–50.

Bellou, V. (2007) Psychological contract assessment after a major organizational change: The case of mergers and acquisitions, Employee Relations, 29 (1), pp.68–88.

Bellou, V. (2007) Shaping psychological contracts in the public and private sector: A human resource management perspective, International Public Management Journal, 10 (3), pp.327–349.

Bellou, V. (2008) Exploring civic virtue and turnover intention during organizational changes, Journal of Business Research, 61 (7), pp.778–789.

Bellou, V. (2008) Organizational culture and subcultures within Greek public hospitals, Journal of Health Organization and Management, 22 (5): 496–509.

Bellou, V. (2008) Profiling the desirable psychological contract for different groups of employees, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 20 (4), pp.810–830.

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