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Ερευνητικές Εργασίες

Όλα τα βιβλία: 427

Kyriazis N. (2012) Spices and the road to capitalism, in Jurgen G. Backhaus (ed.) Navies and States: The Schumpeter Hypothesis Revisited and Reflected. Berlin: Lit Werlag.

Kyriazis, N. & Economou E.M.L. (2013) Macroculture, Sports and Democracy in Classical Greece, European Journal of Law and Economics, DOI 10.1007/s10657-013-9390-3.

Kyriazis, N. & Economou, E.M.L. (2012) The Emergence of Property Rights and Social Contract in Classical Greece, Inventi: Human Resource, 2012(3): 1-6.

Kyriazis, N. & Economou, E.M.L. (2013) Social Contract, Public Choice and Fiscal Repercussions in the Athenian Democracy, Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Fields, 1(7): 61-76.

Kyriazis, N. & Karayannis, A. (2009) “The discussion and the merits and demerits of democracy is almost as old as democracy itself and is ongoing”, in James A. Brox and Nicholas C. Baltas (eds.), The Global Economics of Changing Environment.

Kyriazis, N. & Paparrigopoulos, X. (2011) The Athenian Democracy, Journal of History and Social Sciences, 2(1): 19-44.

Kyriazis, N. & Paparrigopoulos, X. (2011) “The Birth of Democracy: Values in War and Politics in Classical Greece”, in P. Hermann (ed.), Democracy in the Theory and Action. New York: Nova Publishers.

Kyriazis, N. & Paparrigopoulos, X. (2012) War and democracy in ancient Greece, European Journal of Law and Economics, DOI 10.1007/s10657-012-9352-1.

Kyriazis, N. & Vliamos, S. (2006) Empire of the Ocean Against Empire of the Continent: An Economic Analysis of Strategy, Archives of Economic History, XVIII(2): 5-26.

Kyriazis, N. & Zouboulakis, M. (2005) Modeling Institutional Change in Tradition Economies, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 38: 109-120.

Kyriazis, N. (2006) Seapower and Socioeconomic Change, Theory and Society, 35: 71-108.

Kyriazis, N. (2007) Democracy and Institutional Change, European Research Studies, X(1-2): 65-82.

Kyriazis, N. (2007) Economic Democracy and Decision Making for Public Goods, Archives of Economic History, XIX(2): 19-34.

Kyriazis, N. (2009) Economic Policy in 4th Century Athens, Archives of Economic History, XXI(2): 7-18.

Kyriazis, N. (2009) Financing the Athenian State: Public Choice in the Age of Demosthenes, European Journal of Law and Economics, 27(2): 109-127.

Kyriazis, N. (2012) Why ancient Greece? The Birth and Development of Democracy. Athens: Psychogios Publications.

Kyriazis, N. K. & Gkanas, N.I. (2013) Economic Impact of Direct Democracy: A Literature Review, Suggestions for Greece, Archives of Economic History, XXV(1): 7-4

Kyriazis, N., Economou, E.M.L. & Zachilas, L. (2012) Direct Democracy and Social Contract in Ancient Athens, World Academy of Science Engineering and Technology, 71, 1375-1381.

Messis, P., Iatridis, G. & Blanas, G. (2006) An Empirical Assessment of CAPM, Market Model and APT; Evidence from the Greek Stock Market, Journal of International Business and Economy, 7(1): 87–117.

Messis, P., Iatridis, G. & Blanas, G. (2006) Estimating the Expected Returns of Value Strategies: Fama and French Three Factor Model vs. Arbitrage Pricing Theory; Evidence from the Athens Stock Market, International Journal of Finance, 18 (3), pp.4072–410

Messis, P., Iatridis, G. & Blanas, G. (2007) CAPM and the Efficacy of Higher Moment CAPM in the Athens Stock Market; An Empirical Approach, International Journal of Applied Economics, 4 (1), pp.60–75.

Metaxas T. & Economou M. (2012) Security Policy in the European Union and the United States through the issue of their Defense Expenditures, Journal of Global Analysis, 3(1): 53-81.

Metaxas T. & Tsavdaridou M. (2011) Shaping the image of Bulgaria as FDI destination in Southeastern Europe: The course after 1989, Applied Econometrics and International Development, 11 (2): 51-70.

Metaxas T. & Tsavdaridou M. (2012) Corporate Social Responsibility in Greece: a comparative analysis of the three major energy companies’, Management-Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 17 (2): 119-140.

Metaxas T. & Tsavdaridou M. (2013) Corporate social responsibility in Greece during the crisis period’, Journal of Advanced Research in Management, 7(1):20-34

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