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  • Δρ. Αγγελική Αναγνώστου

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  • Δρ. Πασχάλης Αρβανιτίδης

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  • Δρ. Βασίλειος Βλάχος

    • Υπό κατασκευή....

  • Δρ. Λουκάς Ζαχείλας

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  • Δρ. Βασίλειος Ζερβός

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  • Δρ. Μιχαήλ Ζουμπουλάκης

    • Andreas Papandreou’s Academic Economic Thought 1943-1963”, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2023 doi: 10.1017/S1053837222000281 (JEL listed- SCOPUS).
    • The amendment of the Wages-Fund theory and the legalization of British Trade Unions in 1871, Historical Studies in Industrial Relations No 42 2021: 1-25. (JEL listed -SCOPUS).
    • “Contesting the autonomy of Political Economy: The early positivist reaction against economic knowledge”, European Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 15 (1) 2008: 85-103. . (JEL listed- SCOPUS)
    • “On the evolutionary character of North’s idea of institutional change”, Journal of Institutional Economics, 1 (2) 2005: 145-158. (JEL listed- SCOPUS)
    • “Democracy, sea power and institutional change. An economic analysis of the Athenian Naval Law”, (co-author N. Kyriazis) European Journal of Law and Economics, 17 (1) 2004: 117-132 (JEL listed-- SCOPUS)

  • Δρ. Γεώργιος Ιατρίδης

    • Persakis, A. and G. Iatridis (2017), “The Joint Effect of Investor Protection, IFRS and Earnings Quality on Cost of Capital: An International Study”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 46, pp. 1-29.
    • Iatridis, G. (2018), “Accounting Discretion and Executive Cash Compensation; An Empirical Investigation of Corporate Governance, Credit Ratings and Firm Value”, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 55 (C), pp. 29-49.
    • Pavlopoulos, A., C. Magnis and G. Iatridis (2019), “Integrated Reporting: An Accounting Disclosure Tool for High Quality Financial Reporting”, Research in International Business and Finance, 49 (C), pp. 13-40.
    • Iatridis, G., K. Pappas and M. Walker (2022), “Narrative Disclosure Quality and the Timeliness of Goodwill Impairments”, British Accounting Review, 54 (2), pp. 100978.
    • Persakis, A. and G. Iatridis (forthcoming), “How Economic Uncertainty Influences the Performance of Investor Perceptions and Behavior”, International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Taxation.

  • Δρ. Ηλίας Σ. Κεβόρκ

    • Kevork, I.S. (2018). Benefits of vendor managed inventory programs in two-stage supply chains. 14th International Conference on Industrial Logistics 15-17 May Beer-Sheva Israel, ICIL 2018 Conference Proceedings, pp. 99-107. (SCOPUS)
    • Halkos, G.E., Kevork, I.S., Tziourtzioumis, C.N. (2018). On the existence of unique minimum for the cost function in a (Q,R) inventory model with backorders. IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Vol. 29, pp. 1-21. (ISI-Web of Science, AJG, SCOPUS)
    • Kevork, I.S., Pange, J., Tzeremes, P., Tzeremes, N.G. (2017). Estimating Malmquist productivity indexes using probabilistic directional distances: An application to the European banking sector. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 261, pp. 1125-1140. (ISI-Web of Science, AJG, SCOPUS)
    • Halkos, G. E., Kevork, I. S. (2013). Evaluating alternative frequentist inferential approaches for optimal order quantities in the newsvendor model under exponential demand. International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 20, pp. 837-857. (ISI-Web of Science, AJG, SCOPUS, EconLit)
    • Kevork, I. S. (2010). Estimating the optimal order quantity and the maximum expected profit for single period inventory decisions. OMEGA, The International Journal of Management Science, Vol. 38, pp. 218-227. (ISI-Web of Science, AJG, SCOPUS)

  • Δρ. Χρήστος Κόλλιας

    • Kollias, C. & P. Tzeremes (2022) “My trip to Europe is about America rallying the world’s democracies” and the elephant in NATO’s room” European Security doi.org/10.1080/09662839.2022.2129966 (2022)
    • Kollias, C. & P. Messis (2022) “Are candidate countries converging with the EU in terms of the Copenhagen political criteria?”, European Politics and Society 23(5), 639-659
    • Kollias, C. (2021) “Turkey’s road to EU accession: a bridge too far?”, Journal of Contemporary European Studies doi.org/10.1080/14782804.2021.2007057
    • Gaibulloev, Kh., C. Kollias & B. Solomon (2020) “Defence and Peace Economics: the third decade in retrospect”, Defence and Peace Economics, 31(4), 377-386
    • Economou, A. & C. Kollias (2019) "Security policy preferences of EU citizens: do terrorist events affect them?", Public Choice, 178(3-4), 445–471

  • Δρ. Θεόδωρος Μεταξάς

    • Gavriilidis G. and Metaxas T. (2023) ‘Measuring the impact of covid-19 on tourism entrepreneurs and businesses in Greece: Some empirical evidence’, Journal of Developing Areas, (accepted)
    • Kechagia P. and Metaxas T. (2023) ‘Capital inflows and working children in developing countries: An empirical approach’, Sustainability, 15(7), 6240; https://doi.org/10.3390/su15076240
    • Juarez L, Metaxas T., Olmos,G.F. (2023) ‘Branding Madrid as a Sustainable City: The role of mega projects’, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 12(1): 235-256
    • Metaxas, T. Juarez, L., and Gavriilidis G. (2021) ‘Planning and marketing the city for sustainability: the Madrid Nuevo Norte project’ Sustainability 13, 2094. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13042094
    • Metaxas T. and Duquenne M. N. (2017) ‘Partnerships and development policies for small – medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Greece: A CFA approach, Region et Developpment, vol.45 (1):131-158

  • Δρ. Βικτώρια Μπέλλου

    • Bellou, V., and Dimou, M. (2021). The Impact of Destructive Leadership on Public Servants’ Performance: The Mediating Role of Leader-member Exchange, Perceived Organizational Support and Job Satisfaction, International Journal of Public Administration, 1-11.
    • Stylos, N., Bellou, V., Andronikidis, A., & Vassiliadis, CA (2017). Linking the dots among destination images, place attachment, and revisit intentions: A study among British and Russian tourists, Tourism Management. Vol. 60, pp. 15-29.
    • Gkorezis, P., Bellou, V., Xanthopoulou, D., Bakker, A.B., & Tsiftsis, A. (2016). Linking football team performance to fans' work engagement and job performance: Test of a spillover model. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 89, Νο. 4 pp. 791- 812.
    • Bellou, V. (2011). Do women followers prefer a different leadership style than men? International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 22, No. 13, pp. 2818-2833.
    • Bellou, V. (2008). Exploring civic virtue and turnover intention during organizational changes. Journal of Business Research, Vol. 61, No. 7, pp. 778-789.

  • Δρ. Αθηνά Οικονόμου

    • Υπό κατασκευή....

  • Δρ. Εμμανουήλ-Μάριος Οικονόμου

    • Economou, E.M.L., Halkos, G., & Kyriazis, N.C. (2023), Environmental economics in Classical Athens, Journal of Institutional Economics, 19, 102-118. doi:10.1017/S1744137422000194 (Cambridge Journals: Impact Factor, 3,00).
    • Kyriazis, N.A. & Economou, E.M.L., (2021), The impacts of geopolitical uncertainty on Turkish lira during the Erdoğan administration, Defence and Peace Economics. (Routledge, Impact Factor: 2,00).
    • Economou, E.Μ.L. & Kyriazis, N. (2019), The evolution of property rights in Hellenistic Greece and the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Journal of Institutional Economics, 15(5): 827-843. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137419000055 (Cambridge Journals: Impact Factor, 3,00).
    • Kyriazis, N., Metaxas, T. & Economou, E.M.L. (2018), War for profit: English corsairs, institutions and decentralized strategy, Defence and Peace Economics 29(3): 335-351. (Taylor and Francis: Impact Factor IF: 2,00).
    • Economou, E.Μ.L. & Kyriazis, N. (2017), The emergence and the evolution of property rights in ancient Greece, Journal of Institutional Economics, 13(1): 53–77. (Cambridge Journals: Impact Factor, 3,00).

  • Δρ. Στέφανος Παπαδάμου

    • Antonakakis, N., Gupta, R., Kollias, C., & Papadamou, S. (2017). Geopolitical risks and the oil-stock nexus over 1899–2016. Finance Research Letters, 23, 165-173.
    • Matousek, R., Papadamou, S. Τ., Šević, A., & Tzeremes, N. G. (2019). The effectiveness of quantitative easing: Evidence from Japan. Journal of International Money and Finance, 99, 102068.
    • Papadamou, S., Kyriazis, Ν. A., & Tzeremes, P. G. (2019). Unconventional monetary policy effects on output and inflation: A meta-analysis. International Review of Financial Analysis, 61, 295-305.
    • Beneki, C., Koulis, A., Kyriazis, N. A., & Papadamou, S. (2019). Investigating volatility transmission and hedging properties between Bitcoin and Ethereum. Research in International Business and Finance, 48, 219-227.
    • Evgenidis, A., & Papadamou, S. (2021). The impact of unconventional monetary policy in the euro area. Structural and scenario analysis from a Bayesian VAR. International Journal of Finance & Economics, 26(4), 5684-5703.
    • Fassas, A. P., Kenourgios, D., & Papadamou, S. (2021). US unconventional monetary policy and risk tolerance in major currency markets. The European Journal of Finance, 27(10), 994-1008.

  • Δρ. Γεώργιος Σταμπουλής

    • Υπό κατασκευή....

  • Δρ. Ανδρέας Στεργίου

    • Im Spagat zwischen Solidarität und Realpolitik. Die Beziehungen zwischen DDR und Griechenland und das Verhältnis der SED zur KKE. Monographien-Reihe Peleus, Bd. 13 (Mannheim: Bibliopolis, 2001)
    • Does Energy Cause Ethnic War? East Mediterranean and Caspian Sea Natural Gas and Regional Conflicts (Newcastle upon Tyne – United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019). 
    • Greece’s Ostpolitik. Dealing With the ‘‘Devil’’. Series: Contribution to the International Relations (Switzerland AG: Springer Nature, 2021).   
    • The Greek-Turkish Maritime Dispute. Resisting the Future. (Switzerland AG: Springer Nature, 2022).
    • ‘'Eastern Mediterranean energy geopolitics revisited: Green Economy instead of conflict’’, Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies. Published online (2023) DOI:10.1080/19448953.2023.2167163

  • Δρ. Βασίλειος Τζέμος

    • Βασίλης Γ. Τζέμος (Επιμ.), ΑΣΕΠ και Δίκαιο του Ανθρωπίνου Δυναμικού στο Δημόσιο. Ο νέος νόμος του ΑΣΕΠ (ν. 4765/2021). Ερμηνεία κατ΄ άρθρο, Εκδόσεις Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, Αθήνα, 2023.
    • Vasileios G. Tzemos, Konstantinos, Margaritis, Eleni Palioura, Constitutional Changes in Greece, in: L. Roberto Barosso, Richard Albert (Ed.), The International Review of Constitutional Reform 2021, Texas at Austin, 2022.
    • Βασίλης Γ. Τζέμος (Επιμ.), Ο Χάρτης Θεμελιωδών Δικαιωμάτων της ΕΕ (XΘΔΕΕ). Ερμηνεία κατ΄ άρθρο, 2η αναθεωρημένη έκδοση. Εκδόσεις Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, Αθήνα, 2019.
    • Βασίλης Γ. Τζέμος, Οργανωτικό Διοικητικό Δίκαιο, Εκδόσεις Νομική Βιβλιοθήκη, Αθήνα, 2013.
    • Vasileios G. Tzemos, Das Untermaßverbot, Εκδόσεις Peter Lang. Frankfurt am Main, 2004.

  • Δρ. Νικόλαος Τζερεμές

    • Natsiopoulos, K., & Tzeremes, N. G. (2022). ARDL bounds test for cointegration: Replicating the Pesaran et al.(2001) results for the UK earnings equation using R. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 37(5), 1079-1090. (ABDC Journal Quality List ranking: A*, AJG 2021 ranking: 3)
    • Tsionas, M. G., & Tzeremes, N. G. (2022). The degree of internationalization and firm productivity: empirical evidence from large multinationals. British Journal of Management, 33(4), 1969-1990. (ABDC Journal Quality List ranking: A, AJG 2021 ranking: 4)
    • Degl’Innocenti, M., Matousek, R., & Tzeremes, N. G. (2019). The interconnections of academic research and universities’ “third mission”: Evidence from the UK. Research Policy, 48(9), 103793. (ABDC Journal Quality List ranking: A*, AJG 2021 ranking: 4*, TOP 50 journals Financial Times Research rank)
    • Tzeremes, N. G. (2015). Efficiency dynamics in Indian banking: A conditional directional distance approach. European Journal of Operational Research, 240(3), 807-818. (ABDC Journal Quality List ranking: A*, AJG 2021 ranking: 4)
    • Tzeremes, N. G. (2014). The effect of human capital on countries’ economic efficiency. Economics Letters, 124(1), 127-131. (ABDC Journal Quality List ranking: A, AJG 2021 ranking: 3)

  • Δρ. Κυριακή Τσιλίκα

    • Υπό κατασκευή....

  • Δρ. Παναγιώτης Τσίντζος

    • Tsintzos, P., and Plakandaras, V., 2020. The judiciary system as a productivity factor; the European experience. Economics Letters, 192.
    • Angyridis, C., & Tsintzos, P., 2018. Public Investment, Government Indebtedness and Transitional Dynamics. Review of Economic Analysis, 10(1).
    • Pragidis, I. C., Tsintzos, P., and Plakandaras, V., 2018. Asymmetric effects of government spending shocks during the financial cycle, Economic Modelling, 68, 372-387
    • Papadamou S., Spyromitros, E., and Tsintzos, P., 2017. Public Investment, Inflation persistence and Central Bank Independence, Journal of Economic Studies, 44(6), 976-986
    • Geronikolaou, G., Spyromitros, E., and Tsintzos, P., 2016. Inflation persistence: The path of labor market structural reforms, Economic Modelling, 58, 317-322

  • Δρ. Γεώργιος Χάλκος

    • New developments in the disciplines of environmental and resource economics, Economic Analysis and Policy 77, 513-522 (Scopus, EconLit, Clarivate Web of Science Listed Impact factor: 4.444). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2022.12.008 In common with Managi S. (2023).
    • Environmental economics in Classical Athens, Journal of Institutional Economics, 19,102–118 doi:10.1017/S1744137422000194 (SCOPUS, EconLit, Clarivate Web of Science Listed Impact Factor: 2.029). https://doi.org/10.1017/S1744137422000194 In common with Economou, EML; and Kyriazis, NC (2023).
    • EDITORIAL: Computational Aspects of Sustainability. Computational Economics 58(3): 542-553 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10614-021-10142-5 (SCOPUS, EconLit, Clarivate Web of Science Listed. Συντελεστής βαρύτητας: 1.876 και 5ετίας: 1.814). Από κοινού με K.D. Tsilika (2021).
    • Economies’ inclusive and green industrial performance: An evidence based proposed index. Journal of Cleaner Production 279: 123516 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.123516 (SCOPUS, Clarivate Web of Science listed. Συντελεστής βαρύτητας: 7.246 και 5ετίας: 7.491). Από κοινού με Jaime Moll de Alba and Valentin Todorov (2021).
    • Health shocks and natural resource extraction: a Cambodian case study. Ecological Economics 169:106517 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106517 (SCOPUS, EconLit, Clarivate Web of Science Listed. Συντελεστής βαρύτητας: 4.482 και 5ετίας: 5.236). Από κοινού με T.T. Nguyen, T.L. Dob and C. Wilson (2020).

  • Δρ. Ιάκωβος Ψαριανός

    • Υπό κατασκευή....

Διοικητική Δομή
